Shingles Medications and Treatment
Shingle is an infectious disease which causes a painful rash. It is equally important to know the signs of shingles before taking any medication. Shingles in, ordinary cases, are characterized by an unpleasant feeling in some areas of skin and a headache which usually turns severe. After a few days of pain, a rash also appears on the skin. Shingles first appear on the face, eyes or the genital area but can also be seen in other regions.
It is important to remember here that the shingles appear as red marks on one side of the body only. Any redness on both the sides of the body is not likely to be shingles.

Shingles can be cured by using painkillers which ease the pain. A person should keep the rashes clean and dry as this reduces the risk of infection in case of shingles. Loose fitting clothes should be worn and calamine lotion must be applied to ease the problem of itching. Using a cold compress or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel few times in a day can help you get relief in case of shingles.
Natural treatment for Shingles
There are numerous natural treatments for shingles which can be tried to get some relief. Apart from prescribed shingles medications, you can try various cold compresses, lotions, and pastes to ease the problem.
Healing baths
Daily cleaning of blisters should be done in shingles as this helps in reducing the incidence of the condition. The cool water always is a healer and helps in getting some relief from shingles.
Baking Soda and cornstarch paste
A paste made from a combination of cornstarch or baking powder in water offers some relief in case of shingles. Two parts of cornstarch or baking soda can be poured into the water until some consistency is achieved. This mixture is to be applied to the rash and should be rinsed after 10 to 15 minutes. The treatment should be repeated as and when needed.
Dietary remedies
Dietary changes can also be used to treat shingles. The diet used to treat shingles should be rich in vitamin A, b 12, C and E. Foods which promote the healing in case of shingles include orange and yellow fruits, whole grains, beans, and tomatoes.
Soothing lotions
There are numerous soothing lotions and creams which can be used to reduce the blisters and shingles. These tropical ointments can be used three to four times as these have anti-inflammatory effects that cure shingles.